Friday, February 20, 2015

Calvin Barry Toronto Criminal Lawyer


Buttock silicone injections by caulking gun

The story of the unlicensed injection of silicone into women trying to enhance the look of their buttocks and thighs is about as harrowing as they come. Marilyn Ely Reid, 48 (inset) injected nine women -- in some cases using syringes attached to a caulking gun. Today she pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in a tale that left some of the women permanently injured. It is hard to imagine what any of them were thinking. Except that our culture has thrown up some startling role models (lower inset). It began in November 2012 when a 28-year-old woman fell ill after receiving presumed Botox injections.  Police said the woman underwent surgery to have the substance removed. Reid advertised buttock, lip and muscle augmentations and Botox injections on a website. Several other victims came forward after her arrest. Her lawyer, Calvin Barry, said Monday, January 12, 2015 that several of the women have had "serious health issues" ever since the procedure, which his client was not licensed to perform. Reid administered the injections with syringes, Calvin Barry said. One of the women is still unable to sit down, Barry said. "The way it would work is she'd meet these people... at hotel rooms in the GTA and Toronto and then what she would do is, they'd pay her thousands of dollars and she'd inject them in the buttocks with a silicone-based ingredient," Barry said in a phone interview. "It's a little shady when it's happening in a hotel room and cash currency is being passed, it's not like it's at a plastic surgery...location," he said. "And so the victims kind of knew what they were getting into, too, but they wanted to enhance their behinds with this Brazilian butt enhancement and anyway, a lot of these women got seriously ill." Reid pleaded guilty to eight counts of aggravated assault. She will be sentenced February 27, 2015 with the Crown seeking a ten-year sentence.