Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Calvin Barry, Toronto Lawyer

Hello everyone,

On behalf of the Career Centre, and our partner, York Alumni Relations, please allow us to express our heartfelt thanks for your past participation in the TASTE program.  Many of you have expressed an interest in continuing to support and mentor York students through the program; this e-mail is to inform you that we are now accepting TASTE lunch appointments for the new Fall term.

As a York University alumnus/a, who has been an enthusiastic supporter of TASTE in the past, we hope you will be involved in TASTE once again.

If you are interested in participating, please send me an email with the following information:

·        A date and time for the lunch (any time between the mid-September and mid-December 2012)
·        A location for the lunch (e.g. Tim Hortons on 656 Bloor Street)
·        A phone number your TASTE lunch students can call on the day of the lunch in case they are late or lost.

If you have taken on a new role since the last time you participated in TASTE, we would appreciate it if you would send us your new job title and employer or submit a new bio form.

For more information about the program or to fill out a new bio form, please visit the TASTE webpage (http://www.yorku.ca/careers/taste/index.htm) or feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you again for your support of York University students.

Warm regards,
