Monday, January 28, 2019

What You Have to Know About Public Mischief in Canada

It isn’t uncommon to hear about people who make false accusations, file false cases, or lie to the police during investigations. People do this as a defence mechanism, as a way to divert attention, protect someone they care about, or even because they think they’re doing the right thing. However, just because a lot of people does something does not make it right. Public mischief is still public mischief, and guilty parties can face huge fines and jail time.

Like any criminal charge, a charge of public mischief should be dealt with swiftly and strategically. You need an experienced criminal defence attorney on your side to handle your. Know that your best defence starts with prompt action and faithfully cooperating with your defence lawyer.

Definition of Public Mischief in Canada

The Criminal Code of Canada says in Section 140 that public mischief is an act to mislead or deceive a peace officer. It can be any of the following:

  • Committing any action to cause another person to be suspected of committing an offence, including diverting suspicion from one’s self. 
  • Making false statements to accuse someone of committing an offence.
  • Making a false report of an offence that was not committed such as claiming someone committed domestic violence or sexual assault. 
  • Reporting a false death or claiming someone who is dead is alive.
  • Staging a crime scene including faking a death or kidnapping.

Note that a charge of public mischief is often made with other charges depending on which of the above acts the accused committed

Punishment for a Public Mischief Charge

There are many reasons why people give false or inaccurate information. Some may believe that what they are doing is the right thing or that they could have been fed wrong information. It could be a difference in perception or can be a way to get back to another person as a form of revenge. No matter the reason, a charge of public mischief can have very serious consequences as well as huge fines.

Charged with public mischief? You need to act fast! Talk to Calvin Barry as soon as possible to discuss your options and build your defence for your public mischief charge. Contact Calvin Barry Law today!